What is “Hatch Nabi”?

Hatch Nabi offers Nabi interactions by integrating with Telegram through a Nabi Profile NFT. By doing so, Hatch Nabi can provide its users with a more convenient and seamless experience by allowing them to access Nabi services directly within the Telegram app, eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms or applications.

What is “Nabi profile”?

A Nabi Profile is an NFT with its own unique address. Users who intend to interact with DApps within the Nabi Protocol need to own one. This Nabi Profile is created and owned by the user's TON wallet address. As such, one TON wallet addresses can own one or more Nabi Profiles.

What can I do through “Nabi profile”?

The Nabi Profile is able to store a comprehensive record of all the user-generated content. Though a Nabi Profile, a user can interact by uploading Publications, this encompasses posts, mirrors and comments.

How can I make “Nabi profile”?

We will annouce a whitelist invitation for limited users to hatch their Nabi profile NFTs very soon!

Keep a lookout for the annoucment!